Products and Services for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
November 17, 2024  
  Business Products and Services  

Adcom ADCOM GFA-7605 Amplifier



ADCOM GFA-7605 Amplifier

Adcom ADCOM GFA-7605 Amplifier

Now, audio playback can be better than ever before! DVD-Audio and SACD high-resolution formats provide an unprecedented level of precision to audio playback. These new formats have up to five times the frequency bandwidth of conventional CDs. The dynamic range is an incredible 144dB, which is 48dB more than conventional CD. And both formats support multi-channel playback so you can enjoy the amazing immersion that a multi-channel audio system can provide. In the old low-resolution days, amplifier design was easier. Creating an amp was a straightforward design process using tried and true techniques that had not changed much in many years. But if you are going to design a power amplifier that can produce very high output levels and also amplify signals over a very wide frequency range, you have to move fast. To design an amplifier circuit to be fast and accurate, we needed to use a new design approach. The heart of F.A.T. technology is our Power-Rig circuit topology which provides inc...

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